I'm evolved

Dear reader,

Let me hold your soft hands and take you back in time...

Many many moons ago, when I was new in the game of "making money online" I decided to start twitter. My plan with twitter was to write about copywriting (as that was my forte) so I could collect clients and cash.

But recently...

I have this feeling that I'm evolving.

My interest are exanding.

For example:

In the past, I was not a fan of this puppy called persnoal brand. But now I feel pumped to wake up every new day and grow my cute little brand in twitter.

And because of that:

I started talking about topics a copywriter ain’t supposed to talk about.

Like personal branding, personal stories and so on…

But you know what?

In my opinion, this is the right way.

Because my big plan is to build my own little world. My personal brand. And my intelligent brain says: I can't builid a big brand if I only (and only) talk about copywriting.

I mean, nowadays…

Everyone (and their mother) is giving copywriting advice.

This is why, I have dipped my toe into other content buckets.

And here’s what you can expect from me:

1) Copywriting (obviously)
2) Direct response marketing
3) Life stories
4) Brand building
5) Random raw rants

By the way, do you like random rants with a random lesson?

Reply to his email, and lemme know.

Rohit Arjel



The folks I wanna attract are just an extension of who I am… so if I talk about the things that I like, enjoy, love… then I will attract the folks I want and (even better) repel the folks I don’t.

Such a simple fact, but it slipped my brain.